Corporate Profile
- Company Name
Whiz Partners Inc.
- Registration
Director of Kanto Local Finance Bureau (Financial instruments firms) No.2590
- Memberships
Japan Investment Advisers Association, TypeII Financial Instruments Firms Association
- Headquarter
36th Floor, Atago Green Hills MORI TOWER, 2-5-1, Atago, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-6236 Japan
- Representative
Toshio Ando
- Capital Stock
JPY 100 million
- Business Description
- Securities acquisition and holdings
- Asset management of investment limited partnerships
- Accounting and audit advisory for equity and credit holdings
- Corporate strategy consulting and asset management advisory
- Business development practice including mergers and acquisitions, technology joint ventures, sales distribution partnerships, and manufacturing partnerships
- Type II Financial Instruments Business as defined by Japanese Financial Instruments and Exchange Act
- Investment Management practice as defined by Japanese Financial Instruments and Exchange Act
- Investment Advisory practice and agency as defined by Japanese Financial Instruments and Exchange Act
- All other business practices pertaining to the above
- Board Members
- Toshio Ando, Chairman, Member of the board
- Tomoyuki Fujisawa, President & Chief Executive Officer, Chief Investment Officer
- Junichi Kajimoto, Chief Financial Officer
- Tatsuro Kochi, Chief Compliance Officer
- Satoru Iino, Member of the board
- Takashi Ejiri, Board of Director (ITN Partners)
- Tetsuya Murakami, Auditor (Japan Association for Chief Financial Officers)
- Tatsuya Nakajima, Auditor (Certified Public Accountant)
- Executive
Hiroshi Okuda, Hideto Ozaki